Wattle Branch


Wattle Tree Press invites all wordsmiths, storytellers, and dreamers to enter our inaugural anthology competition.

Submissions for the ‘Dreamin’ Writing Competition are now OPEN!

The 2024 WTP anthology theme is:


The idea of DREAMING is important and lasting.

Whether in a cultural, psychological, subconscious, or aspirational sense, dreaming invokes a cultural past, our hopes for the future, and even potentially our nightmares.

But dreaming is more than a nighttime activity—it’s a powerful force woven into our humanity. Through ancient mythology, scientific inquiry, or personal reflection, the concept of dreaming remains a captivating and essential aspect of the human experience.

From ancient Aboriginal Dreamtime stories to modern aspirations, the idea of ‘dreaming’ encompasses the mystical allure of the Dreamtime, the enigmatic landscapes of nightly reveries, and the boundless potential of waking aspirations.

Dreaming transcends time, shaping our narratives and connecting us to the essence of who we are, what we want, and how we wish the world might be.

This competition encourages you to tap into the spirit of dreams, weaving narratives that capture the essence of dreaming – from the mystical to the mundane.

Stop dreamin’ & submit your work today!

✨ Inspire, captivate, and make your mark on the literary landscape ✨


🖋️ Enter now!

This competition is open to poetry (30 – 150 words) and prose (up to 1500 words)

  • Submit your work through our secure portal.

  • Only $5 entry!

  • Upload your submission, purchase your entry and checkout.

Key dates:

  • Submissions open: August 1st 2024, at 12pm AEST
  • Submissions close: November 1st, 2024, 12pm AEST

FILES: We accept submissions of PDF, .doc and .docx files only to a maximum file size of 512MB. Please upload your entry then complete checkout to enter your submission into the competition. Troubleshooting

Entries must follow the Submission Guidelines, Terms and Conditions.

Connect with fellow storytellers with the hashtag  #WTPDreaming

Why Enter the Competition?

  • Support indie authors and publishers: Showcase your talent for writing and support an emerging business.
  • Make your Mark: Always wanted to become a published author? Submitting your work will give you that chance!
  • Celebrate Diversity: Embrace the myriad stories that make us unique. Every entry will showcase both authorial and creative diversity.
  • Unleash Creativity: This is your chance to break free from the ordinary and let your imagination soar! Explore new genres and experiment with styles.
  • Win Prizes: Beyond the joy of sharing your story, every writer who wins publication in this anthology will recieve a digital copy of the book plus additional swag! Physical copies will be offered to up to five submissions we feel have that ultimate ‘wow’ factor!


Knock our socks off with your ‘Dreaming’ inspired work!