Questions? Let’s answer them!

Who do you work with?

Wattle Tree Press aims to bring Aussie storytelling to the wider world. This means that we primarily work with Australian authors, however, we do also assist international writers.

The writers we work with are creative, ambitious, and savvy people who see the value of investing in creating a quality product. These people understand how to respect the process and advice of the expert they hired, and work collaboratively to achieve the best results.

To work with us, you should be able to have a laugh, not take yourself too seriously, and understand that shit happens sometimes. You want to publish your book in a stress-free way, with support and assistance, while still being in control of the decision making.

Wattle Tree Press aims to make your experience as easy and stress free as possible. However, you will need to make decisions and adhere (as much as possible) to the timeline you set.

If you’re thinking ‘this doesn’t describe me at all!’ then we aren’t a good fit!

Please note: we only work with human authors. Artificial intelligence and human authors trying to claim AI created or assisted work as their own are NOT our ideal clients.


What type of books do you publish?

We can publish your genre fiction or non-fiction books, including poetry and memoir.

We won’t do text books (although that might be cool) and while we know some brilliant illustrators, we don’t assist with highly illustrated children’s books at the moment.

What is a 'Hybrid Publisher'?

Hybrid publishing companies behave just like traditional publishing companies in all respects, except that they publish books using an author-subsidized business model, as opposed to financing all costs themselves and, in exchange, return a higher-than-industry-standard share of
sales proceeds to the author. A hybrid publisher makes income from a combination of publishing services and book sales.
(Independent Book Publishers Association’s Hybrid Publisher Criteria, 2022)

What this means is, hybrid publishers like Wattle Tree Press are the merry middle-ground between traditional publishing and self-publishing.

Like a traditional publisher, we can create a professional, marketable book for you, and enable global distribution so your book can be available to online retailers, brick-and-mortar bookstores, and libraries.

Unlike traditional publishing, we don’t pay you advances or have a bazillion dollars to throw at marketing your project. This is why Wattle Tree Press offers to help authors establish their brand and create an appealing online presence via branding, website and social media creation, and ready-to-use templates.

Like self-publishing, you get all the creative control. We collaborate and advise, but you have the final say on everything from the cover design to page number placement.

Unlike self-publishing, you don’t have to do the heavy lifting or learn the metalanguage of the publishing industry. We are teachers, authors, and business people who understand how overwhelming learning a new industry or skill can be. Wattle Tree Press will handle the ins and outs for you, acting as your project manager, and relieving the stress that can be associated with building a book.

With hybrid publishing, you retain the creative control while outsourcing the hard work, so you can sit back and watch the magic happen.

Do you accept international authors?

Yes. We don’t discriminate and welcome all people to Wattle Tree Press.

Please note: We only work with human authors. Artificial intelligence and human authors trying to claim AI created or assisted work as their own are NOT our ideal clients.


What services can you offer?

*cracks knuckles* Let’s do this. Wattle Tree Press can help with your …

Book Production

  • Editing
  • Formatting
  • Cover
  • Blurb

Book Distribution

  • ISBN’s
  • Barcodes
  • Global distribution to brick-and-mortar bookstores, online ebook retailers, and libraries
  • Plus legal deposit and public lending rights

Author Biz Kickstarter

  • Biography writing
  • Website, including domain registry and hosting
  • Online store for direct sales 

Media and Marketing Aid

  • A personalised author branding kit
  • Creation of social media accounts/profiles/pages and content
Do I really keep 100% of my royalties and rights?

YES! We don’t want your money or your intellectual property. Keep it. Own it. Flaunt it.

We here at Wattle Tree Press are in the business of helping great people make great books. Period.

How long does it take to publish my book?

With traditional publishing, your book might take years to get into your hands and onto bookstore shelves. With Wattle Tree Press, we aim to have your book designed, edited, formatted, and available for printing and distribution, all in a few months.

*Timelines will vary depending on the editing needs of the manuscript.

So, what's the short version?

In short, we make the magic happen behind the scenes so you can hit the ground running, with your book in hand.

You pay us to look after everything until your book baby is out in the world. Then, you’re on your own! (Just kidding, we’ll still be here for you!)