Guidelines, Terms and Conditions

Thank you for being here and for your interest in our competition!

Please see the information below:

Competition Dates:

    • Theme revealed: June 30th,  2024.
    • Submissions open: August 1st 2024, at 12pm AEST
    • Submissions close: November 1st, 2024, 12pm AEST
    • Judging commences December 1st, 2024, with the shortlist announced on or near to 5th January 2025.
    • Winners will be contacted via email in January 2025 and announced on the WTP website and social media in February, 2025.


1. The “Must Be Dreaming” Anthology Writing Competition is open to Australian residents, aged 10 years + (minors require parental permission).

2. Participants must submit original, unpublished works of prose or poetry adhering to the submission guidelines as outlined below.

3. Entries must creatively explore the theme of ‘dreaming’.

Submitting an entry to this competition means that you agree to the terms and conditions as outlined below:


Submission Guidelines:

    1. All competition entries must be submitted and processed through the WTP website.
    2. Entrants may submit multiple entries. One entry = one fee.
    3. Prose / story entries must not exceed 1500 words of original work.
    4. Poetry entries should be between 30- 150 words of original work. (Up to three poems may be counted as one entry).
    5. AI (created or assisted) work is NOT acceptable and will result in the immediate disqualification of the entry.
    6. Entries must be written in the English language and edited using the AU dictionary.
    7. Entries should be crafted with a general audience in mind. All content must be ‘PG’ in rating, for a middle grade (primary school) audience and older. No blood, gore, violence, sexual content, swearing, adult themes or content.
    8. The work must be original and previously unpublished.
    9. Must adhere to or creatively explore the theme of ‘dreaming’.
    10. Humour and originality, appropriate to a broad audience, is highly encouraged.
    11. Entries may be written in any genre, with consideration to the above rules.
    12. Entries must be typed. Hand-written entries will not be accepted.
    13. Competition entry is $5 AUD per entry submitted, due at the time of submission. This is non-refundable and goes towards the production of the anthology.
    14. Late entries will not be considered.
    15. It is the author’s responsibility to read and acknowledge these terms and conditions as a condition of entry.

How to submit:

    1. Entries should be submitted through the WTP website. Upload your entry prior to checking out. You will pay for your entry after you have uploaded your document.
    2. Title of the entry should appear at the top of the the entry itself in CAPITAL LETTERS. The title WILL be included in the overall word length of the entry (max 150 words per poem or 1500 for prose).
    3. Writer’s name should appear on entry form and file name of document.
      Note: Name and title must be in the filename of the document. This will not be included in the word count.

Terms and Conditions:

By submitting the entry, the entrant agrees:

    • The work is their own (or, in the case of a minor, that you are the legal guardian of the child) and that you have permission to submit it.
    • The work has not been published elsewhere, or previously.
    • Sections of the work may be used for the purposes of marketing or reviews.
    • Minor editing may be undertaken prior to publication, if required.
    • Anonymous or pseudonymous work will be accepted, however please be aware that a short bio and photo of winners may be requested for promotional and acknowledgement purposes.
    • Any work published will acknowledge the author as creator, and note Wattle Tree Press the publisher.
    • Should a digital copy of Must Be Dreamin’ be awarded to you, you agree not to reproduce, give away, or sell the digital copy of the book.
    • Authors will not be entitled to commission or earn money from the sale of this anthology.
    • Copies of the anthology provided to selected winners will be for personal use only.
    • The organisers are not responsible for lost, late, or misdirected entries, or any technical malfunctions that may occur.
    • Participants are responsible for ensuring that their submissions comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
    • If your entry is selected for publication in the anthology:
      a) Authors acknowledge and consent to your entry being published exclusively by Wattle Tree Press for a 24-month period.
      b) Wattle Tree Press will publish, distribute and sell entries in the anthology in physical, electronic or audio format, as well as online via the WTP website.
      c) Should an author wish to re-publish the entry elsewhere, authors may do so after a period of 24 months from the anthology’s publication date, and should advise of this intention to Wattle Tree Press.
      e) Authors acknowledge that their winning entry will be published in the anthology, and their work promoted by Wattle Tree Press.
    • If an entry is not selected as a finalist for this competition:
      a) The work will not be published in the anthology
      b) The work is not excluded from future competitions
      c) The 24-month publishing consent, as explained above, do not apply.


    • Judging will be conducted during December of 2024 by a panel of at least three judges.
    • Entries will be grouped into prose or poetry categories and read ‘blind’ (without distinguishable writer identifiers such as names attached) to avoid potential bias.
    • Entries will be judged based on creativity, adherence to the structure and convention, theme, and merit. Originality and humour are highly encouraged.
    • Entries that exceed the word limit will be disqualified.
    • Prose submissions will be scored on originality (including how well the work incorporates the theme of ‘dreaming’), the writing style and the readability (including proper spelling, grammar, sentence structure and audience enjoyment.)
    • Poetry submissions will be judged on originality (including how well the work incorporates the theme of ‘dreaming’), the poetic style (structure and linguistic choices made), and the readability (including spelling, grammar, and line structure.)
    • Any entry that does not adhere to the word limit will be disqualified from judging.
    • Entries that do not use the AU dictionary may lose marks for spelling.
    • WTP will not be giving feedback on entries, apart from general opinions on the winning entries that may be published on the WTP website and social media.
    • While judge’s opinions and personal taste will play a small role in the judging, they will be looking at the structure, form, originality, and storytelling techniques of each submission.
    • Judges will work collaboratively to discuss all elements of the entry when selecting winners.
    • All decisions are final and will not be open to discussion.


Competition entry is $5 AUD per entry submitted, due at the time of submission. This is non-refundable and goes towards the production of the anthology.

Winning entries:

  • Competition winners will be contacted by email in January (date T.B.C) and announced on the WTP website and social media in February, 2025.
  • Depending on entries received, there may be an inequality between the amount of prose and poetry in the anthology. Our aim is to include a good mix of work that best explores and represents the theme of ‘dreaming’ in all its interpretations, in both prose and poetry forms.
  • Winners entry, their name (or pseudonym), a short bio and photo may be published in the anthology. This information may also be used on the WTP website and on social media for marketing and author acknowledgement purposes. Should you be offered a place for publication in the anthology and NOT wish to submit a headshot, we have fun ideas you might like to entertain to remain anonymous, so don’t stress.
  • Winners will receive a free digital copy of the book and prizes, which will be announced throughout the submission period of August to November, 2024.
  • Standout submissions (minimum of three entries, but may be more if our socks are knocked off!) will win a physical copy of the printed anthology.


Don’t hesitate to send your queries to and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Terms and Conditions updated 23/09/24 with additional explanation of points for author clarity.

Keep Dreamin’

We look forward to reading your work!