Let’s publish your book!

Wattle Tree Press is looking for amazing new authors!

While we are focussing on Australian authors in 2024, we also welcome our international friends to submit their work.

Don’t forget our annual anthology is coming! Why not exercise your creativity and WIN PUBLICATION by entering our Writing Competition? See more here.


How it works

Complete the About My Book form

Tell us a little bit about your book proposal. Its title, genre, word count, the stage you’re currently at (writing/editing etc.) and your publishing goals.

Based on this information, we’ll consider if we’re right for you. If Wattle Tree Press can’t help with your project, we’ll tell you straight up.

Please note- We cannot assist you currently with the following:
Highly illustrated children’s books.

Book a Client Call

After your book proposal is accepted, let’s chat about what you want from your book. (This can be via phone, Zoom, snail mail, or carrier pigeon*).

We’ll discuss your proposal, your goals, and what we can offer your project. You’ll get to ask any burning questions you have, and by the end of the call, we’ll know if we’re the right fit for each other. A tailored quote is provided for your project and we discuss your contract.


*We’re joking about the bugs and birds!

The Strategy Session

You’re invested in this book, so we’re going to make sure it fills your heart with joy and pride. In this phase, the book design process begins. We’ll select design options and features, marketing elements, printing and distribution.

We’ll set a timeline, and discuss other team members or external contractors your project might require. We’ll also chat about expectations, author basics like marketing, branding, distribution, and sales, and generally get the ball rolling on your project.

Sound scary? Don’t worry, we’ll educate you along the way!

The birth of a book baby

It’s aliiiive! Well, sort of.

Tell. Everybody.


Still working on your masterpiece?

Bookmark this page so you can come back later, and …


Keep on writing, legend!